WordMath License

WordMath is really an aggregate of different components providing math functionality. This reflects in the License, which is different for different components. The core components are all licensed under GNU GPL, while some of the optional components/add-ins have other licenses.

For the WordMath core you are free to use, copy, distribute and modify WordMath source code under the GNU GPL license agreement (version 3 or later). License text: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.

The WordMath core source code is available on the following Git-Hub site: github.com/Eduap-com/WordMat

An installer for the WordMath core is also provided on the eduap.com website. The installer however is proprietary, but is free of charge for non-commercial purposes. The installer provided can also install some of the optional addons. Be advised that you must comply with the licenses of those addons.

For schools and organisations that sign up for WordMat Partnership, additional licenses and benefits are provided. WordMat partnerships help support the further development of WordMath.

Partnership agreements provide support, access to digitally signed code and installer, fully automated update procedure, additional WordMat+ functions and more. see full list of benefits at www.eduap.com

Partnership License details

  1. This license requires an active partnership agreement between your organisation and Eduap
  2. The license is valid for all members of your organisation e.g. all students and teachers at your school.
  3. The license expires if the partnership agreement is cancelled and for members that leaves your organisation
  4. The software is licensed to your organisation with online technical support for the WordMath core components and optional components. Conditions for support apply.
  5. Your organisation has license to access a restricted download page via IP-restriction with ads, where partnership installers are distributed. The download page automatically makes installers available compatible with your system (Windows/Mac)
  6. Your organisation has license to use any installer downloadable from the restricted download page to install and use all your required components of WordMath. Though you must also comply with any special licenses for which Eduap does not hold copyright – namely Geogebra 5
  7. The installers made available through this license are digitially signed for a ease of use and security
  8. Your organisation has license to use the WordMath+ component of WordMath. Providing automatic update procedure and other functions liable to change.
  9. The software is licensed to your organisation on a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license
  10. The copyright and other intellectual property rights remain Eduap property

List of WordMath components and corresponding Licenses

Core components:
Component             License             Copyright holder        Comment
WordMat.dotm        GNU GPL           Eduap       vba code that ties everything together.
Maxima                 GNU GPL           DOE          Math program https://maxima.sourceforge.io/
Maxima-files            GNU GPL           Eduap       3 mac files with code functions, that extend Maxima.
MathMenu.dll         GNU GPL            Eduap       Library to communicate between Maxima and Word VBA
ExcelFiles                GNU GPL             Eduap       Collection of Excel VBA programs
WordDocs                GNU GPL           Eduap        Documentation, formulae collections, Latex Template
geogebra-math-apps   GNU GPL      Geogebra.org   Geogebra source code to show graphs in a browser

Optional components/addons:
WordMath installers   Proprietary    Eduap    eduap.com some free of charge, other require partnership
WordMatP                 Proprietary     Eduap    Available for partnerships.
WebViewWrap.dll      Proprietary but gratis   Eduap   System library for webview2 access
QlmCLRHost.dll         Proprietary but gratis   Soraco     System library for .Net framework
Fonts                         GFL                                                Math fonts that are Free software
GeoGebra 5          Proprietary installer     GeoGebra.org      Free for non-commercial use.
Graph                       GNU GPL       padowan.dk                Graph program

The components are more or less integrated. Some do not communicate and some communicate more closely. Most communicating is done in a rudimentary way, using shell commands.

Microsoft Word & Excel VBA, .Net framework and webview2 are considered ‘Major components’ in GNU GPL License regards.