GeoGebra on Mac, requires special security settings in Safari

  • Go to Safari settings
  • Choose advanced to the right
  • Check of ‘show developer menu’ at the bottom
  • In the developer menu choose ‘Allow javascript from Apple events’
    • Be aware the developer menu shows up in different locations depending on your MacOS version. On Sonoma the developer menu shows up next to ‘advanced’.
  • When doing the first calculation, allow it

Check out this video, if you prefer hands on instructions in Danish.
(Videoen er fra før Sonoma, og udviklermenuen er blevet flyttet. Slå undertekster til for at få en beskrivelse)

Be aware that this lowers security settings in Safari. Be mindfull about only allowing access to programs you trust. If you are concerned, you can checkoff ‘Allow Javascript fra Apple events’ when not using WordMat.

Typical problems
If the checkmark next to ‘Allow Javascript from Apple Events’, does not get set. It can be caused by your user not having a password. Go to system settings | users and set a password for your user. Then set the checkmark again.

If you accidentally click not to allow AppleScript when prompted at the first calculation, you will not be prompted again to correct the mistake. You will then have to do the following:
1. Click [cmd + space] and search for “Terminal”
2. In the terminal window type the following: “tccutil reset AppleEvents”
3. Go back to Word and set GeoGebra as CAS engine. Perform a calculation and make sure to allow it when you are prompted.